The details were irrelevant as the text simply said, "he passed away this afternoon and is in heaven now". I can just imagine how the daughter of my friend felt going through his phone contacts advising his friends that he was no longer with us. It had to be a sad and emotional experience, but I am glad she took the time to let me know of the untimely passing of my old friend.
I had the honor and privilege of serving in the USAF with Major La-Gogewick Graham (who I knew fondly as "Go") and we became fast friends while assigned together at Randolph AFB Texas. Our season was brief, but he had a huge impact on my AF career and became a lifelong friend. "Go" was my inspiration and encouraged me to become an Intelligence Officer (a great career move). We worked together on many projects and what I remember most was his infectious laugh and sense of humor. I could not give a more heartfelt compliment to "Go" than to say; if I ever had to go to war, I would want him in my foxhole!
"Go" and I lost contact over the years but reconnected via social media a few years ago. He had become a Minister and I recently listened to a sermon he preached entitled "Who Are You Following" and it moved me to see and hear my friend "following" and walking on the path God laid out for him. He was one of the first to sign up for my website and routinely commented on my blog posts as he seemed to grasp and understand what I was trying to say. We periodically talked about old times over the phone and caught up on family and mutual friends. He seemed genuinely happy and at peace with where he was in life and I always left our conversations uplifted and encouraged.
I am deeply moved and saddened by the passing of my friend and am reminded of how everyone I meet serves a purpose in my life. "Go" was always positive and upbeat and reminded me to stay true to the three Fs of Faith, Family, and Friends and to enjoy my journey! Thanks for the memories La-Gogewick Graham and I will always remember your sign off after every conversation we shared, Graham Out!